Then add three textviews and set their width to 0 and their weight to 1,2,3 respectively. To create a three-column layout, add a LinearLayout as the root. Name it whatever you want, in my case I’ll name it recycler_item. Go to res->layout and right click on the layout folder. The first column will display the ID of the item, the second column will display the Title, and finally, the third column will display the body/description. We’ll be creating a really simple three column layout. You can definitely go ahead and beautify it. Here we are only concerned about the architecture of our Android application and how Retrofit, RxJava and MVP Architecture can work in tandem, so don’t complain about the look of the UI :P. Now let’s start building the RecyclerView rows. Now head over to your main layout file, in my case activity_main.xml and add a recyclerview inside the root layout:
You can include just the recyclerview as well. To add a recyclerview to your project, open app level adle file and add the following dependency at the bottom: implementation ':design:28.0.0' Note: You can also add recyclerview directly instead of the entire design library, but most of you might already have it included so I’m including the design library in this example. Go to File -> New Project and select “Empty Activity”. Create a new projectĬreate a new project in android studio. So, let’s get started! Note: Some online schools such as Udemy and Lynda also have good tutorials on RxJava Phase 1: Setting up the project and building layouts.
The data will be obtained from a fake JSON API hosted on. We’ll be developing a very barebones application which will display some data in recyclerview. In this Android App development tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how you can setup Retrofit and RxJava for networking in your android application along with MVP Architecture. By Ayusch Jain How to set up networking in your Android app with Retrofit-RxJava-MVP This article was originally posted here